Time off

Took some time off to pursue another passion of mine. Animation is something I’ve been working towards for a few years now and soon I will be applying to Pixar. It is just an internship but I know it pay off big. Excited to get back to work on these though. Been itching to grind.

Finally got around to it.

I finally did it. I put a post about beveling. It is probably my favorite. I was worried I wouldn’t know how to explain it, because it is a tab bit difficult. I think I did ok though. As all ways you guys can be the judge of the information. So it’s complete. The basics of the basics. I’ve got a knife in the works now so hopefully an ebook will be in the future. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy.


I’ve been a little busy but here soon I’m going to try to get the grinding section up. It is the hardest one to write I about I think. I’ve been thinking about how I want to approach this but without being able to show how I actually grind it is fairly difficult. It is in the works so no worries. I’m trying to get it to make sense on paper without sounding to text-book. Stay tuned to check it out!

Another Update

Hey there. I’m trying to get down everything I know on these screens but it is taking a lot longer than anticipated. But still stick around and I hope I’m helping someone better there skills or getting them to the right track to start making knives. Also I had an idea to start making  a how to ebook. It’s still in the idea phase but who knows. Maybe one day. More to come! Thanks for checking me out.


Just updated Simple steel. Gave some thoughts on O1 tool steel. I will try and get something going about heat treating and tempering. After that I’ll get into grinding and filing, so stay tuned!